tags : كلية التمريض جامعة الزقازيق ,التمريض رسالة ,أسرة التمريض رسالة ,امتحانات فسيولوجى ,مراجعة فسيولوجى,اسئلة تمريض MCQ
مذكرة الفسيولوجى الفرقة الاولى كلية التمريض جامعة الزقازيق
تحتوى المذكرة على تلخيص لأهم الاسئلة فى منهج الفسيولوجى والاسئلة الاكثرا تكرارك فى الامتحانات السابقة تحتوى المذكرة أيضا على امتحان على امتحان السنة الماضية physiology Exam 2014
9) factor regulation heart rate ?
18) Dyspnea ?
21) Discuss Myxoedema ?
22) Function of cortisol?
24) Function of insulin hormone ?
25)Hormonal control of breast ?
26) function of bile salt ?
مذكرة الفسيولوجى الفرقة الاولى كلية التمريض جامعة الزقازيق
تحتوى المذكرة على تلخيص لأهم الاسئلة فى منهج الفسيولوجى والاسئلة الاكثرا تكرارك فى الامتحانات السابقة تحتوى المذكرة أيضا على امتحان على امتحان السنة الماضية physiology Exam 2014
لتحميل المزكرة كاملة ملف جاهز للطباعة من هنــــــــــا
1 )
Function of autonomic supply to the thoracic organs
1 ) heart stimulates all properties of the
cardiac muscles
) Increase heart rat HR
Vasodilatation of coronary blood vessels
Increase force of contraction
2) Lung
and inhibits bronchial secretion
pulmonary blood vessels leading to better ventilation
Function of autonomic supply to pelvic organs?
Relaxation of the wall of urinary
bladder and rectum .stimulation of the internal urethral
V.C of pelvic
V.C of the external genital organs .
Contraction of smooth muscles of epididymis
5) In
female : onuterus and falloppiantube mainly inhibitory but late in pregnancy
its excitatory to uterus.
3) Discuss
autonomic nerve supply to the eye ?
1)mydriases = dilatation of the pupile due to contraction
of the dilator papillae muscle
Exophthalmos = forward protrusion of the eye ball
3) Widening
of the pulpebral fissure
4) Accommodation for far vision .
4) Plasma
proteins ? types and function ?
A) Types of plasma protein
1) Albumin -2)
Globulines -3) fibrinogen -4) prothronbin
B) Function of plasma proteins
1) used by tissue as nutrient
blood clot
3) By
its osmotic pressure it regulates the volume of blood tissue fluid and urine
4) By
its viscosity its affects peripheral resistance blood pressure and the blood
Its defensive function by globulins.
6) it
carries important material and prevents its loss in urine
7) it
affects capillary permeability
hypoprotinaemia (cases)
by marked decrease in plasma protein
1 - ↓ intake (malnutrition)
2 - ↓
Absorption (malabsorption)
3 –
liver disease lead to ↓formation
4 –
Kidney disease lead to ↑ loss
5 –
ما قرن شيء إلى شيء أفضل من إخلاص إلى
تقوى ، و من حلم إلى علم ، و من صدق إلى عمل ، فهي زينة الأخلاق و منبت الفضائل
Regulation of RBCS formation ?
1 – Hypoxia ↓ O2 supply to tissue stimulates kidney .
2- Endocrine system
3 – liver :
. store
Iron , cupper,B12 Aand folic acid .
4 – Bone marrow : the site of
RBCS formation so damage of bone marrow by toxins , infection, radiation or
malignancy lead to a plastic anemia
5 – Diet :
: protein of high biological value is needed
: iron ,cupper and cobalt
Discuss hemophilia?
Hemorrhagic disease.
disease carried by female affect male
- Hemophilia A:
Deficiency of factor VII
-Hemophilia B:
Deficiency of factor IX
-Hemophilia C: deficiency
of factor XI
8) mention
precaution and complication of blood transfusion ?
A- Precaution
-Blood must be take from healthy donor more than 55 kg age 15-55
must collected under complete aseptic
is determined.
id stored in b.bank at 2-4 c for maximum 3 weeks
b.transfusion cross matching is done by mixing cells of
of recipient and tested for agglutination.
Complication of blood transfusion
1-Of compatible blood
load heart –transmission of disease - ↑K stop heart in diastole
- ↓Ca lead to tetany
-Allergic and pyrogenic reaction due to
Wbc and platlet
Incompatible blood
in the back of the chest or else where due to clumping of of donor Rbcs
blocking capillaries
transfusion jaundice
9) factor regulation heart rate ?
Arterial blood pressure (ABP↑) → ↑HR
vemous return → ↑HR
B.gass ↓O2 → ↑HR
Pain : mild moderate pain↑HR - sever
pain ↓ HR
Temperature (T) ↑T
lead to ↑HR
6- Hormones : adrenalin ,thyroxin ↑HR
10 )
Factor affecting C.O.P?
–Venous return (VR)
–Heart rate (HR)
3- force of contraction
Regulation of cardiac out put (C.O.P)
12) Blood
coagulation steps ?
Formation of prothrombin activator
Conversion of prothrombin to thrombin
conversion of fibrinogen → Fibrin → Stable Fibrin network which entangles blood
cells in its meshes
Mechanism of blood
-Intrinsic mechanism →
depend on blood component only
-Extrinsic mechanism →
needs tissue factor
Significance of arterial pulse ?
1- Presence of pulse
indicates that the arterial tree is patent from the heart till the point at
which pulse is left
2- It gives idea about
HR 3-Its gives idea about rhythm
4- it gives idea
about the force of ventricular
5- Its gives idea
about the wall of artery
Prepared by:
Amro Ali abu Hashim
Typed by :
Ahmed Elhady
14) Factor
maintaining the blood pressure ?
1- Stroke volume (S.V)
↑S.V → ABP-- S.V affect systolic blood
2- HR :↑HR → ABP . HR
affect mainly systolic blood pressure
3- Peripheral
resistance (PR) : PR ↑→ ABP
4- Elasticity of
arterial wall
5- total blood volume
in relation to capacity of circulation ↑capacity
15) Discus
causes of edema
1-Cardiac: due to↑
venous pressure more fluid leave capillaries to tissue .
2-Pregnancy edema :
due to compression of veins lower limb by pregnant utres
3-Nutritional edema :
due to ↓formation of plasma protein .
4- hepatic edema : dye
to ↓formation of plasma protein .
5- Renal : due to loss
of plasma protein
6- ↑Capillary
permeability .
7- Lymphatic
obstruction : ↓drainage of tissue fluid
Discuss chemical regulation respiration ?
This regulation takes
place via changes in the blood gases which act on chemoreceptor to adjust
respiration in order to keep
- O2 supply to tissue
- CO2 level in blood within normal range
-H+ concentration in
blood within normal ranges .
18) Dyspnea ?
Difficult breathing –
Awareness of breathing –Dyspnea occurs when the dyspnic index become less 60%
or when the resting ventilation become tripled
Causes of Dyspnea ?
1 – Pulmonary causes :
A – Obstructive lung disease
B – Restrictive lung
disease .
2- Cardiac causes : -
mitral stenosis on left sided H.F
3- Neurogenic psychic
: -Fear or emotion causes hypertension
4- Anemia → dyspnea
occurs only during exertion
5-General causes
1- O2 lack in high
2- Thyrotoxicosis→ ↑metabolism
→↑CO2 →↑Respiration
3- Renal failure
6- Abdominal causes
:Ascitis ….. Distension
Discuss function of Thyroxin and triiodothyronim (T4.T3)
-It stimulates the
metabolism of nearly all body cells by ↑the use of food for emergency ,
increase O2 consumption ↑BMR ↑ Blood glucose level
↓blood cholesterol and
↑ protein synthesis in
normal level of Thyroxin hormone , however with high level of T3 and T4.
-Diuresis – Its
stimulates conversion of carotin to vitamin A -It stimulates physical and mental
Its needed for normal
development and function of C.N.S
-Heart ↑HR --↑Force
contraction --↑Systolic ABP --↓Diastolic ABP
-↑RBCs formation –need
for normal gonad function
-It is stimulates
motility and secretion – it ↑pulmonary ventilation – need for normal
development of muscle
Discuss Hyperthyroidism ?
Grave.s disease =Thyrotoxicosis
Causes → The
most cause is due to autoimmune disease caused by long acting thyroid
stimulator produced by Blymphatosyit
*Clinical picture:
to heat to ↑BMR with excessive sweating
2- loss of body weight
inspite of increase appetite due to diarrhea and expend catabolism
3-Decrease cholesterol
Hyperglycemia. 5- Bradycardia 6- poor memory
21) Discuss Myxoedema ?
in adult the most common causes is surgical removal of gland
Other causes →
-Endemic due to
decrease iodine intake –Thyroiditis
-Damage of gland by
1-Intolerance to cold
due to ↓ BMR 2- Loss of appetite and
constipation . 3- poor memory 4-Lethrorgy
5- sleepiness 6- Dry ,cold skin 7- loss of hair 8- Hypochromic microcytic
anemia 9- ↑Cholesterol
22) Function of cortisol?
metabolism :it ↑blood glucose level.
-Fat metabolism
lipolysis and redistribution of fat in
face and upper part s of body and buttocks
3-Mineral metabolism
↑Na reabsorption in exchange with K secretion
4- Protein metabolism
↑protein breakdown
5- GIT →↑acidity and
promotes peptic ulcer formation
6- It impedes the development
of cartilage and decrease calcium absorption
from intestine .
7- It increase Rbcs
and decrease T lymphocyte
8-Anti inflammatory →blocks
early stage of inflammation
9- Anti allergic
→Inhabitation of histamine
Cushing syndrome ?
-Result from excessive
production of cortisol
Clinical picture
-Hyperglycemia and
-Muscle weakness.
-Pendulous abdomen
with purplish striae
-Abnormal fat
- Hypokalemia
-Atrophy of gonads
,amenorrhea in female and impotence of male .
24) Function of insulin hormone ?
A- Hypoglycemia ie
decrease blood glucose level by
1- Stimulation of
glucose uptake ,use and storage by the cell
2- Increase formation
of glycogen from glucose.
3- Excess glucose
after glycogen formation is transformed to fat .
4- inhibition of
Stimulates lipogenesis and inhibits lipolysis
C- Stimulates protein anabolism
25)Hormonal control of breast ?
1- Estrogen – 2
progesterone 3 – prolactin 4- Oxytocin
5- General hormone
26) function of bile salt ?
1- Absorption of fat
and fat soluble vitamins
2-Antibacterial effect
and stimulate intestinal motility
3- Solvent action : keep cholesterol and fatty acids in
solution preventing formation of gall bladder stone
4- choleretic:
stimulate intestinal motility
5- Prevent protein
putrefaction by digestion and absorption by digestion and absorption of fat
6- help digestion of
fat by emulsification of fat by decrease the surface tension thus increase the
surface of the area exposed to enzymes
27) function of gallbladder ?
1-Storage of bile in
between meals as the sphincter of it chos
And liver continuous
to secrete bile
continuous flow of hepatic bile
in-between meal by storage of bile as it
prevents back pressure .
3- concentration of
bile by absorption of water
4- Acidification of
bile by absorption of bicarbonate
5- Prevent stone
28) Function of large
intestine ?
1-Absorption of water
,electrolytes,some vitamins and some drugs .
-about 2 L of water is
absorbed by osmosis .
-Some drugs could be
taken as suppository
-Absorption of
electrolytes .
and evacuation of stool
-The colon stores faces
and the rectum is usually empty except just before defecation.
3- Bacterial action in
large intestine.
Useful bacteria: synthesis of
vitamins →Vit K
macromolecules thus prevent caecal
enlargement and obstruction.
-Stimulate the
intestinal wall to secrete IgA
-Harmful bacteria
-Ammonia formation
-Histamin- serotonin –
Vit B 12 and ascorbic acid utilization
4-Secretion of
alkaline mucus to protect the mucosa from acids
Uterine cycle ?
-It’s the cycling
changes occurs in endometrium of uterus every month → it’s the weeping of
crying non pregnant uterus lack of baby
(phases of it )
1 – Destructive or menstrual
- From the first day to the 5th day
of the cycle .
Causes : Vasospasm of
spiral arteries leading to ischaemia of superficial layers of the endometrium of uterus leading to necrosis and shedding of
superfacial layers of the endometrium
loss of unclotted blood .about 100ml .most of blood is arterial
2- Proliferative phase
From 5th
day of cycle – Regeneration of surface of epithelium
thickness of endothelium –uterine gland elongated
↑ vascularity and
blood vessels become spiral
Secretory phase
-From 15th
day beginning of the next cycle .
- ↑ thickness of the endometrium to reach full
- Uterine glands become coiled and full of secretion
-this phase is under
effect of estrogen and progesterone .
Ovarian cycle
*At puberty – under the capsule of ovaries about
400.000 primary follicles ,each one passing into the following phases
follicular or maturation phase
Each month 6-12 primary follicles enlarge in size
under the effect of FSH – after one week follicles continues to enlarge until
it become mature graffian follicle –the growing follicle secrete Estrogen
2-Ovulation phase
-it occurs in 14th day of the cycle under
the effect of LH
-The mature graffian follicle rupture with expulsion
of mature ovum into peritoneal cavity to be picked up by fimbriated end of
fallopian tube .
3- Luteal phase
The remaining part of mature graffian follicle become
loaded with yellow pigment which called corpus luteum that secretes estrogen
and progesterone .
Prepared by : Amro Abo
Hashim typed
by : Ahmed Elhady
1 –
Hypoprotinaemia → Marked
decrease in plasma protein
2- Polycythaemia → Rbcs↑ →
(physiological high altitude ) pathological:
malignant tumor in bone marrow.
3- Cardiac index → C.O.P /M2
4- Edema → Accumulation
of fluid in↓ excess
5-Pneumothorax → presence of
air in the pleural sac
6- Tidal volume → volume of air
which can be taken by normal inspiration or expired by normal expiration during
rest =500 ml.
7- Vital capacity(IC) → volume of air
which can be expired by forced expiration after deep inspiration =
IRV+TV+ERV=4600 L.
8- Hypoxia → Diminished O2
supply at tissue level
9- cyanosis → Bluish
coloration of skin and mucous membrane due to↑
amount of reduced HB in capillary blood .more than 5gm/100
10- Dyspnea → Difficult
breathing its occurs when the dyspnic index become less than 60% or when the
resting ventilation becomes tripled
11- Orthopnea → dyspnea on
lying down relieved by sitting or standing position.
12- vomiting
→ it is
the explosion of upper GIT contents
through the esophagus .pharynx and mouth .its controlled by vomiting centre and
chemoreceptor trigger zone
13- Jaundice → yellowish
discolouration of the skin and mucous membrane due to increase bilirubin more
than 2mg%
الإرادة هي ما يدفعك للخطوة
الأولى على طريق الكفاح، أما العزيمة فهي ما يبقيك على هذا الطريق حتى النهاية
In ♂and ♀-
1 - Hereditary disease carried by♀
Affected ♂ .
Spontaneously –
2- usually after
-Defect platelets or blood
vessels wall
3- causes :
-Hemophillia A: deficiency
of factor v11
-HemophilliaB : deficiency
of factor 1x
-Hemophillia C : deficiency
of factor X1
time→ normal
4- bleeding time → prolonged
3-clotting time → Prolonged
bleeding time → normal
-Slow physical and mental
-Slow physical growth
Disproportionate -
- Proportionate
↓ Thyroid hormone in child
↓GH child
↓ anterior pituitary H
↓ somatomedin
diabetes insipidus (D.I)
Diabetes mellitus (DM)
-Disease caused by ADH
Hormone shortage .
-Syndrome characterized by
metabolic and vascular events
Caused by↓ antidiuretic Hormone
↓ADH .
Caused by insulin deficiency
Poly uria
Symptoms :
Polyuria -polydipsia
-Glucose may appears in
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